
The Mission of BioME is to empower application-agnostic innovation at the intersection of bio-devices, bio-systems, and bio-computation technologies.

Rationale: Scientific discovery has always followed in the wake of prior advances in enabling technologies. New experimental devices, systems, and computational tools unlock new domains of scientific understanding. Magnifying the impact of technology innovation is the realization that new technologies can often be used for multiple applications. Therefore, expanding the adoption of existing technologies will also drive discovery.

Our Vision for BioME is to become the UConn nexus for bio-based technology innovation empowering socially impactful convergence research; driving economic and workforce development for the citizens of Connecticut; and attracting international recognition to UConn.

The Goals of BioME are to:

  • Advance the invention, development, and broad adoption of bio-based enabling technologies through transdisciplinary collaborative research networks and facilitating research translation.

  • Drive economic development in Connecticut through development of new bio-based technology products, services, and businesses.

  • Train the workforce for high-growth, future-proof biotech jobs by integrating engineering students into research, technology innovation, and entrepreneurship activities at UConn.

  • Attract international recognition to UConn as a world leader for bio-based technology innovation.