female student in blue shirt with red hair smiling in a lab

About the Center

The Center for Biomedical & Bioengineering Innovation aims to fill the gap within UConn Research to serve as the nexus for bio-based technology innovation for convergence research at UConn and beyond. The center advances application-agnostic technology through multi-department collaboration, engagement, and student training.

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Cameron Flower, a biomedical engineering student demonstrates an ECG sensor and smartphone health sensor with Ki Chon, chair of biomedical engineering

Center Goals

The goal of the Center for Biomedical & Bioengineering Innovation has several ideals we wish to strive for. These goals will help drive research, investment in Connecticut, and newer possibilities to help empower the state and nation.


Invention, development, and adoption of biomedical and bioengineering-based technologies.


Drive economic development locally in Connecticut, the region, and nationwide with key partners.


Supply a highly innovative, intellectually-diverse workforce for high-growth and future-proof biotech jobs.


Attract international recognition to UConn as a world leader for bio-based technology innovation and collaboration.

castleman building in the fall

Join Us & Get Involved

The UConn Center for Biomedical & Bioengineering Innovation is seeking student, faculty, and corporate partners. Join us as we revolutionize bio-based technology for the good of our world.

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Additional Center Goals

In order for these goals to be met, we will have UConn Engineering nationally and internationally-renowned faculty at the forefront. These faculty members will be from diverse disciplines and backgrounds that will help move forward this center.

In addition, we hope to achieve the following additional objectives:

  • Promote transdisciplinary collaborative research networks.
  • Facilitate research translation.
  • Develop new bio-based technology products, services, and businesses.
  • Integrate engineering students into research, technology innovation, & entrepreneurship.
  • Promote high-profile collaborative publications.
  • Increase development of concepts for major centers.

Meet Our Faculty