CBBI Bridge Grant

CBBI Bridge Grant Program:

In response to today’s unpredictable funding environment, the CBBI Bridge Grant Program provides financial assistance to cover the cost of one level-2 half-RA for one semester, ensuring the continuation of critical research when a major extramurally funded project has expired. This support helps both PIs and students maintain progress, particularly for students working toward degree completion, during temporary funding gaps. The initial program period runs for one year, starting on September 16, 2024, with the goal of extending it as resources allow. By offering this support, we aim to create a safety net for CBBI members, foster continued engagement,  and increase proposal submissions through the center, ultimately sustaining the high level of research excellence that defines our community, even in challenging times.


Eligibility and Application Requirements:

To be eligible for a Bridge Grant, applicants must be current, active CBBI-affiliated members who have submitted at least one proposal through CBBI within the preceding 12 months, or two proposals within the preceding 24 months. Additionally, applicants should arrange for matching support, such as a half-TA, through their home department. Please note that meeting these eligibility criteria does not guarantee funding, as the availability of funds and the prioritization of applications will influence the final decision.


Submission Process:

To apply for the Bridge Grant, please submit a one-page PDF document to guoan.zheng@uconn.edu. The submission should also include the following information: details of the recently expired extramural grant, including the project title, funding agency, and expiration date, as well as the impact of the grant’s expiration on ongoing research and student support. Justification for continued support to help a student complete their degree is also required, with details such as the student’s expected graduation date, progress toward degree completion. Additionally, the application should provide details of at least one proposal submitted through CBBI within the past 12 months, including the project title, funding agency, and submission date.


Review and Approval Process:

Applications will be reviewed by the Bridge Grant Committee of CBBI and must be approved by the CBBI Directors. The review process will be completed within two weeks of receiving the application. The committee will prioritize applications based on several factors, including the availability of seed funds within CBBI, the impact of a major grant’s expiration on ongoing research, the availability of other existing grants held by the PI, and the PI’s efforts to secure external funding through CBBI, including recent submissions. This process ensures that funds are allocated based on need, while also encouraging continued efforts to secure external grants and engage with CBBI. Please note that even if a PI meets all the requirements, funding is not guaranteed due to the availability of resources.